I want to share with you a special blessing that I posted on my husband's carepage on April 24, 2008. Below you will find some of the post from that day. I finally have photos of some of the flowers in the garden spoken of in the story. Spring came late here in Northwest Indiana this year, but finally there is color on our landscapes.
April 24, 2008
Please bear with me, I must tell you a story leading up to a big blessing today......About 2 years ago I dug up a garden bed around 2 existing fruit trees. My plans were to fill the large bed (seen from our glass doors in our dining room) with beautiful shrubs, herbs, and flowers. Little by little I have been adding plants, etc to it, but it was still almost empty. On Monday, while I was waiting for Charlie's CT scan to be over, I noticed a beautiful picture hanging in the hospital waiting room. This picture had a garden shaped almost like mine filled with beautiful flowers. Several times I looked at that picture and thought, "Now that's what I want my garden bed to look like, but I suppose that it's on hold for now." I thought that it would be so wonderful for Charlie to see that type of bed from the glass door of our home while he is confined to our home for weeks and probably months. Sometimes I ask the Lord if HE could please give me certain things if he willed it and sometimes I just don't ask. This time I only thought about how wonderful it would be to have a beautiful garden. Today I got a call from a young mother in our church. She and her family recently moved into a home filled with beautiful flowers and shrubs. The only problem with this for her is that she is highly allergic to the bees that the flowers draw. She was wanting to know if I would want to have the flowers. It took a few minutes to register in my brain what God was doing, but when it did register I was so excited. God was giving me the desire of my heart and I didn't even ask him. We went to her home where we dug up a truckload of flowers and shrubs. After, she even came to our home with her girls and helped me get them into the ground before the rain. Later her husband joined us and we had supper together. Aren't friends wonderful?
God cares about the necessities of life and even just our desires. HE is more real in our lives than ever before. My desire is for HIM to be real in your life too. Every year at this time we plant flowers and start an organic vegetable garden. This year my husband can't help me with the yard work so God sends me help. Just maybe another reason for the delay in the transplant is so that we can get our gardens started.
What a beautiful post! I am so glad your husband is through this first surgery and he has such good doctors! I keep you in my prayers.
Thinking of you today and praying for you and your family.
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