Thursday, March 4, 2010

Everyday is a Blessing from God

It's been a very long time since I have written on this blog. We have been busy having a "normal" life free of cancer. Unfortunately, cancer has returned to my husband's body. This time it is not lymphoma, but MDS/leukemia. He is feeling quite well for having such a diagnosis. For this we are so grateful to our Lord. Another stem cell transplant is in his very near future. Again I will become my husband's caregiver.

Everyday is a blessing from the Lord. Today we got a little taste of spring. There is still snow on the ground and the temperature was probably in the 40's, but after this cold winter it really seems quite warm. Charlie and I went for a 38 minute walk down a country road and railroad track near our home. While walking on the railroad track we were able to watch 4 deer eating left-over corn in a field. What a blessing!!


Nancy M. said...

How exciting! God sent 4 deer to say He loves you...
I am so glad you had this precious time together. I love walks with my hubby as well.
love, nancy

Glenda said...

Yes, God sent the 4 deer to tell me that he loves me. I have been seeing a lot of deer lately. Love you!